
The high wire attraction of the 2012 London Olympics Closing Ceremony! László walked on a 45 m high wire  and shook hands with a burning man figure, symbolizing the cover of Pink Floyd's new album in 1975 - Wish You Were Here.

The Skywalk is the ultimate feat; the one that has inspired many writers and poets, the symbol of human skill, control over the elements, and mainly courage, where one tiny slip can be the final error. The man high above in the sky on a 16 mm wire fights the elements alone; the drop beneath him, the fear... but he overcomes them and his success is a triumph.

Laszlo has performed skywalks around the world, from Scandinavia to South Africa, from Canada to Taiwan. Faithful to his philosophy, he never wears lunge or any safety device, being a true high-wire walker, who trusts him own skill completely. Skywalks can be done anywhere, between buildings, cranes, structures, or on Laszlo's own 100 ft tower.

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